Minkie Booby

This is great fly to use when fishing for fry feeding trout. It is best used on a sinking line and can be either stripped back or inched slowly until you get a take. If you get hit a few times but do not solidly connect then speed up the rate of retrieve.


Hook – Long shank #10 eg Kamasan B830

Thread – White8/0

Body – Zonker strip

Underbody – White straggle fritz

Beard – Orange hackle

Eyes – Foam Booby

Tying instructions 

Place the hook in the vice and run on some thread. Tie in a zonked strip in the middle. The strip should be twice the length of the shank.

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Tie on the fritz and run it up to the eye in touching turns.FDG minkie-8375

Tie in the beard and pull the strip over securing with a strong wrap.FDG minkie-8376

Tie in the booby eyes and lash to the hook with a square lashing. Turn the hook over and place one drop of supper glue in the crevasse where the booby eye joins the hook. Use black nail varnish to create a solid eye.FDG minkie-




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